Helmet and Staff in Real-Time

Helmet and Staff in Real-Time

UDK Renders

UDK Renders


Close Up

In UDK Render



Main Texture

Secondary Textures
Credits (Click The Name For Link)
Christina Danelon - Level Artist/Environment Artist
Logan Miller - Art Director/Environment Artist
Valeri Vidakovic - Production Manager/Environment Artist
Dima Kulakov - Technical Director/Environment Artist
May Lok - Environment Artist
Josh Cartwright - Environment Artist
Salar Salahi - Environment Artist
Weidong Liang - Environment Artist
Special Thanks
Dan Cox
Paul Mandegarian
Billy Matjiunis
Phil Bredehoeft
Sean Guadron
Aaron Mclean
Daniel Stopnicki
Josh Druckman
Kai Zhang

This project was done in a couple of months for Seneca's
Gaming Course. I played the role of an Environmental Artist
and Technical Artist. In a span of couple of months I managed
to learn a great deal about game Physx, Particles, Shaders and
Materials. Likewise, I learned how to work within an artistic
style and adapt my work so it would fit the scene. I'd like to
thank my group members and fellow teachers for participating
and being kind enough with devoting their time and support.
It surely was a privilege to have worked with such talented,
like-minded individuals.